Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monster Line Up

Hey guys, just felt like postin some work from this semester. This was from monster week. It was basically very open to whatever we could think of. Minumum was 10 then from that we choose five to clean. I have about 10 more little thumbs i wanted rough out. As we always say, theres always next time.


Johan said...

Very elegant, mister Kimchrea! So this is meant for hand animated stuff right? In that I case I love your linework, thought some of the smaller stuff I think you could discard and still keep that nice design. For example, the little button thingies on the shark?

Anyways, dig your work as always, and I hope you're doing good!

TheJettyJetshow said...

Thanks a bunch Johan, i really didnt like those buttons either. Will change it!

Tim said...

these look so fun Jet! Look like pokemon =D

Emerson Tung said...

looking snazzy, Jet. Reminds me a little of the Ben10 monsters, only a lot more awesome. but yeah, like Johan said, I think if youre going for this style you can deefinitely simplify a lot more and focus a lot on giant silhoutte.